Thursday, April 26, 2012

2nd Zero Gravity Flight

The 2nd Zero Gravity flight took place late yesterday afternoon.  The experiment went a little better although we did still get some water leakage and one of our moisture sensor wires came loose.  The students did get some video on their go-pro camera so I am hoping to upload some of that to the site as well.  Once their plane landed, the ground crew got on board and started doing some de-stowage of the experiment and glovebox.  We then took the experiment out, took it apart and we did some analysis on the events during the flight.  We have some valuable moisture sensor data that we will now pull into a software program to give us some valuable feedback and we were able to determine where the water leak was coming from.  Engineering Design always has its re-designs.  All in all the flight was a success and has given us the ability to determine some new ways to improve the system prior to an International Space Station Flight. 

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