Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Zero Gravity Flight DAY!

Yea!  We are finally here.  It has been very busy this morning.  We have two flights today.  The Two students that flew first had an early briefing pre-flight, took their anti-nausea meds and then got ready for their flight.  Ground crew got on the plane and finished taping down wires, making sure the experiment box was set in place and not moving, and then did a final computer check to make sure all systems were a go.  1st flight took off at 9:45 am and returned at 11:30 am.  We had some issues on the flight...our GoPro camera didn't work as expected, we had a few wires become unsauldered, and we had some minor issues with water leakage.  We have had just a few hours to get these issues fixed.  Good to say that they are all fixed at this point and should be good for this afternoon's flight.  Guess this is what engineering is all about!  LOTS of tweaking going on!

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