Saturday, April 21, 2012

More Build Phase Pictures

Taylor is drilling holes to insert the IV tubing into our plant chamber

We have three layers of boxes.  This is the middle layer that will hold the entire plant chamber box and the blue part is gortex to allow the natural exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen for the health of the plants.

This is the plant holder.  It will hold 4 rockwool sections with the plants and the big hole in the center will deliver the nutrient solution from the IV bags.  The smaller tubes will hold deliver the solution to each of the plants

This is the inner box that is the plant chamber.  The upper section will hold the plant cube.  The bottom part will hold the IV bag and the solenoid to control delivery of the solution from the IV bag and the upper section that has the big hole is covered in lexan.  Our small microcamera will be going above that to take pictures of the experiment.
Here are some more building phase pictures. 

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