Saturday, April 21, 2012

Friday's Activities

Friday was a very busy day for the Team.  We started with badging at NASA JSC and then the students divided up into Flyers (Physiological Training) and the Ground Crew (Systems Engineering Presentations and then began an engineering Challenge).  Then, we went to orientation and finally to Ellington Hanger 990.  Students began getting their experiments ready for Monday.  We got to meet a lot of different schools today from Montanna, Wyoming, Colorado, Georgia, Wisconsin, Florida, and Texas.  This is the largest flight week the Zero gravity Office has seen with 18 different schools (some universities, some highschools).  We have some things to get figured out over the weekend on our programming of our microcontroller but we should be ready for the Test Readiness Review on Monday.  I am so proud of the team!  They are doing a great job.

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